Johngeons & Drajohns - a d&d chat system
written in Python using WxPython
Johngeons & Drajohns is supposed to be a chat system that will make playing d&d over the internet a lot easier. The upcoming version will have a built-in character sheet, miniatures board, game map, nicer-looking dice rolling setup, and a more stable server that can handle more than a few people at a time.

This game has had little attention since I started working at, but if you like it and want to see cool things happen with it, let me know because the only thing I lack to get this done is a few cheerleaders or playtesters. It's full of bugs, I'm sure, but I have it to the point where you can chat with a handful of people and publicly roll dice.

[ modules ][ screenshots ]
The Client - This is basically a chat program with a builtin dice roller, character sheet, and interactive map (all works in progress). A user connects to the dungeon master, and you can chat, roll dice, and supposedly play D&D through it, but it hasn't been done yet. [Click here to download the client]
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The Server - The group's Dungeon Master will run this chat server on thier computer, and from the server you can monitor the players, but interacting with the players is not working yet, you'll have to run the client on the server to chat with the players. To start using it, just find out your IP, and give it to the players who want to connect. Oh yea, the server needs a bit of performance tuning, whenever a player rolls dice as fast as they can click, the server drops like a rock. Bet you can't wait to [Click here to download the server]
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Sinestra - a zelda-style 3rd edition d&d game
written in Python using Pygame, the python wrapper for SDL
Sinestra has also been sitting on the backburner, but I've put a little more time into it, and a little time can go a long way with pygame. So far I have a simple map format (map editor is in the works), a crappy character movement / scrolling technique, and a mostly functional D20 system ruleset written in Python. Not that you'll be able to do anything besides walk around. I really want to put more time into this, and rewrite it in C++ / SDL. If anyone likes this and wants to help me write something that DOESN'T SUCK, email me at, catch me on AIM as BEOcluster, or on Yahoo as billythetunafish. [ Click here to download Sinestra ]

[ screenshots ]

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dNdRuleBot - AIM Chatbot for playing D&D
written in Perl using Net::AIM
dNdRulebot is my best friend. Invite him to a chat room, and he joins, to roll dice for your pleasure. Chat with him privately, and he will delve into your phyche, looking into the depths of your very soul. (using the eliza chatbot module.) [ Click here to download dNdRuleBot ]

Old Crappy Adventure Generator
written in Perl using Tk
This Adventure Generator was made like 3 years ago, when I was bored. Try it if you like to laugh.
[ Click here to download Adventure Generator ]

[ screenshots ]

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